How to fix a dead SSD for free

一般来说,出厂坏块率为2%-10%,再坏的话,出厂的时候就被淘汰了。增长坏块(Grownbadblock):随着Flash的使用,一些初期好块也会变成坏块。变坏的 ...,坏块(BadBlock)分为三种:.1、出厂坏块,或初始坏块,即出厂时因不符合厂商标准或厂商抽测过无法达到厂商公布 ...。參考影片的文章的如下:



一般来说,出厂坏块率为2%-10%,再坏的话,出厂的时候就被淘汰了。 增长坏块(Grown bad block):随着Flash的使用,一些初期好块也会变成坏块。变坏的 ...


坏块(Bad Block)分为三种:. 1、出厂坏块,或初始坏块,即出厂时因不符合厂商标准或厂商抽测过无法达到厂商公布 ...

壞塊管理(Bad Block Management)

壞塊與來源. 固態硬碟的NAND Flash顆粒是由一個個小小的Flash塊所組成,Flash塊則會有好有壞。固態硬碟的壞塊來源主要有兩方面:. 出廠壞塊(Factory Original Bad Block).

How to Fix SSD Bad SectorsBlocks? [Comprehensive Guide]

Two software that I personally like the most are HD Tune and Disk Genius to check the bad sectors in any SSD or hard drive. Both have their free ...


快閃記憶體的故障區塊分為兩種類型:出廠時固有的故障區塊(Early Bad Blocks)和使用後產生的故障區塊(Later Bad Blocks)。固有故障區塊多於製程中產生,通常占總容量的1%。這 ...

SSD Bad Sectors: How to Check and Repair? (FREE)

In the context of SSDs, bad sectors, also called bad blocks, refer to specific areas within the NAND flash memory that have become unreliable ... Causes of SSD bad sectors · How to check bad sectors on...

Solid State Drive Bad Block Management Method

The new Bad Block is determined by the feedback result of the status register to determine whether the operation of the Nand Flash is successful ...

SSD也會有壞軌這件事嗎? (第3頁)

SSD也會有壞軌這件事嗎? - NAND FLASH 出廠就會允許有損壞區塊, 一顆全新的Flash 中, 損壞區塊的數量也是分級的決定因素之一.(SSD固態硬碟第3頁)


原因3:區塊受損(Bad Block)​​ SSD的晶片區塊因為損壞而無法正常讀寫,SSD經長時間使用、過度寫入或製造過程中的瑕疵都可能導致Bad Block,如果有重要的資料, ...

Bad Block Management

Bad Block Management detects and marks bad blocks, utilizes the reserved extra capacity to substitute the unusable blocks, and prevents data from being written ...


一般来说,出厂坏块率为2%-10%,再坏的话,出厂的时候就被淘汰了。增长坏块(Grownbadblock):随着Flash的使用,一些初期好块也会变成坏块。变坏的 ...,坏块(BadBlock)分为三种:.1、出厂坏块,或初始坏块,即出厂时因不符合厂商标准或厂商抽测过无法达到厂商公布 ...,壞塊與來源.固態硬碟的NANDFlash顆粒是由一個個小小的Flash塊所組成,Flash塊則會有好有壞。固態硬碟的壞塊來源主要有兩方面:.出廠壞塊(FactoryOriginalBa...